The Rotary Clubs of Australia Drought Relief Project
Providing relief from hardship experienced by farming families and businesses in drought effected areas.

How it Works
The funds raised through this Drought Appeal will be distributed in confidence to eligible farming families in the form of Gift Cards, by an Independent 3rd Party Financial Counselling Organisation operating in the region.
The ‘closed loop’ EFTPOS Gift Card system works on activated EFTPOS terminals in selected business and towns determined, by the participating Rotary Districts in conjunction with the Independent 3rd Party Financial Counselling Organisations. The Cards have a 12 month expiry and any unused funds may be re-issued at the discretion of the Advisory Committee.

Look out for the posters
Look out for the “Shop Local” posters in participating towns.

What towns are participating?
South Australia D9510 ( Bob Cooper)
Crystal Brook
North Queensland D9570 (PDG Rod Medew)
Gin Gin
How do I redeem my Gift Card?
Step 1 Swipe your card through the eftpos terminal
Step 2 Enter the amount of your purchase*
Step 3 Select ‘savings’
Step 4 Enter the PIN, which is on the back of the Card
Step 5 Press OK
* If the purchase amount is greater than the value of the card you will need to split payment across two payment methods. In this instance you would only enter the value on the card.
How do I check the balance on my card?
Cardholders can check the balance of their cards at
How long is my card valid?
12 months from activation.
Can I transfer my card?
Cards are allocated in your name and should not be given to anyone else.
Who do I contact if I lose my card?
Contact your local Independent Financial Counselling Service who provided your Gift Card
Phone: 1300 69 10 66 or 07 5630 1911
Who do I contact if my Card does not work?
Phone: 1300 69 10 66 or 07 5630 1911
Who do I contact if I have any other questions about this program?
Bryan Payne Liaison Officer
Rotary District 9630 Drought Relief Program
Phone: 0427379909
The Rotary Clubs of Australia Drought Relief Project
The Rotary Clubs of Australia Drought Relief Project
The Rotary Clubs of Australia Drought Relief Project is initiated by drought impacted Rotary Districts, to provide relief from hardship experienced by farming families and businesses in drought affected communities across Australia. A fund raising appeal supported by Channel 9 and Great Northern Brewing commenced in October 2019 and is ongoing. The Bendigo Bank Community Enterprise Foundation (BBCEF) provides the infrastructure to collect and receipt donations from the public. The project is managed by Rotary Districts 9800 and 9810 Drought Relief Joint Venture [ABN 55 784 557 864], as a project of Rotary District 9810 Charitable Services.
The Australian Rotary Districts Drought Advisory Committee formed in October 2019 comprises Rotary District Governors from drought affected Districts, representatives from the Bendigo Bank Community Enterprise Foundation (Appeal Manager) and is chaired by Project Manager D9800 Governor 2020/21 Philip Archer. The Committee has Terms of Reference to ensure the funds are equitably disbursed to beneficiaries in greatest need.
Distribution of Gift Cards – Rotary Supports Shopping Locally
Participating Rotary Districts distribute Gift Cards through their Rotary Clubs to an Independent 3rd Party Financial Counselling Organisation, which is responsible for identifying beneficiaries in drought affected communities; – and handing out the cards. Cardholders remain anonymous. Rotary Clubs activate EFTPOS terminals at selected businesses in drought affected towns to stimulate local economies. Participating businesses will display Rotary Flyers to indicate their acceptance of the Drought Relief Program Gift Card. Gift Cards will remain valid for 12 months.
Our Principal Partners
- Great Northern Brewing
- Bendigo Bank Community Enterprise Foundation (CEF);
Appeal Advisory Committee
Community Enterprise Foundation | David Impey Andre Clayton Fiona Beckwith-Elmi Krissy Cook | CEO Foundation Manager Community Marketing, / Support | |
Rotary District 9810 Charitable Services | David Tolstrup David Alexander | Chair – RCS Director – RCS | |
Rotary District 9800 | Philip Archer | Project Director – Drought Relief Project / District Governor D9800 | |
Rotary District 9630 | Ros Kelly | Past District Governor, Queensland | |
Rotary District 9820 | Adrian Froggatt | Past District Governor Victoria | |
Rotary District 9670 | Graeme Hooper | Past District Governor NSW | |
Sarina Bendigo Bank Community Bank | Karen May | Chair / Queensland BB Representative |
Project Management
The Rotary Clubs of Australia Drought Relief Project is a multi-District project which requires D9810 to work together with participating Districts to plan, implement, and complete the project.
Rotary Districts 9800 & 9810 Drought Relief Joint Venture [The Joint Venture – ABN 55 784 557 864] is a sub-project of Rotary District 9810 Charitable Services, – established for the governance and administration of The Rotary Clubs of Australia Drought Relief Project, and to meet the Statutory reporting obligations of the Trust on use of public funds, consistent with the Purpose of Rotary D9810 Charitable Services.
Community need
The purpose of the project is to deliver financial assistance to Australian farming families suffering hardship from 7 years of drought. Specifically, to comply with the Purpose of the Trust, funds raised must be used for the direct relief of such social isolation, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, disability, destitution or helplessness as arouses compassion in the community; and in providing aid or services to individuals or families impacted by the drought.
The Rotary Clubs of Australia Drought Appeal uses the fund raising portal established by the Bendigo Bank Community Enterprise Foundation, a Tier 2 Deductible Gift Recipient Fund with fund raising authority in all states of Australia. The Portal provides an online facility to receive donations and issue a tax receipts. Donations can also be made over the counter through all Bendigo Bank Branches.

Rotary International District 9810 Project Funds Ltd
as Trustee for Rotary District 9810 Charitable Services (RCS)
ABN 93 355 920 863